Mission and Vision


  1. Educational Empowerment:
    • Empower pharmacy students in Gujarat with robust educational resources, fostering a culture of continuous learning and knowledge exchange.
  2. Professional Development:
    • Provide a comprehensive platform for professional development, equipping students with skills and experiences that transcend traditional classroom learning.
  3. Cultural Diversity:
    • Celebrate and embrace cultural diversity, creating an inclusive community that values and learns from the richness of different perspectives.
  4. Social Responsibility:
    • Instill a sense of social responsibility, encouraging members to actively contribute to the betterment of society through pharmacy-related initiatives.
  5. Collaborative Environment:
    • Cultivate a collaborative environment where students can connect, share ideas, and collaborate on projects that have a meaningful impact on both local and global healthcare.


  1. Hub for Growth:
    • Serve as a hub for personal and professional growth, providing a supportive environment that fosters the development of well-rounded pharmacy professionals.
  2. Global Network:
    • Establish a strong global network by connecting pharmacy students in Gujarat with their counterparts worldwide, facilitating cross-cultural collaborations and global perspectives.
  3. Leadership Cultivation:
    • Cultivate the next generation of pharmacy leaders in Gujarat, emphasizing leadership qualities that extend beyond individual achievements to positively influence the entire pharmacy profession.
  4. Healthcare Innovation:
    • Be at the forefront of healthcare innovation by supporting and initiating projects that address contemporary healthcare challenges and contribute to advancements in the field.
  5. Local and Global Impact:
    • Make a lasting impact on local communities in Gujarat while simultaneously contributing to positive changes in the global healthcare landscape through innovative pharmacy practices and community engagement.
  6. Culture of Collaboration:

    • Foster a culture of collaboration and innovation, positioning GFPS Gujarat as a leader in shaping the future of pharmacy through collaborative initiatives and forward-thinking approaches.